List of Tamil words in Mongolian language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Mongolian language
Dr. Variankaval Annadurai Ramasamy; MD; DPM ;
Mongolian is the official language of Mongolia and both the most widely spoken and best-known member of the Mongolic language family. The number of speakers across all its dialects may be 5.2 million, including the vast majority of the residents of Mongolia and many of the ethnic Mongol residents of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. In Mongolia, the Khalkha dialect is predominant, and is currently written in both Cyrillic and traditional Mongolian script (and at times in Latin for social networking). In Inner Mongolia, the language is dialectally more diverse and is written in the traditional Mongolian script.
In the discussion of grammar to follow, the variety of Mongolian treated is Standard Khalkha Mongolian (i.e., the standard written language as formalized in the writing conventions and in grammar as taught in schools), but much of what is to be said is also valid for vernacular (spoken) Khalkha and for other Mongolian dialects, especially Chakhar.
Some classify several other Mongolic languages like Buryat and Oirat as dialects of Mongolian, but this classification is not in line with the current international standard.
Mongolian has vowel harmony and a complex syllabic structure for a Mongolic language that allows clusters of up to three consonants syllable-finally. It is a typical agglutinative language that relies on suffix chains in the verbal and nominal domains. While there is a basic word order, subject–object–predicate, ordering among noun phrases is relatively free, as grammatical roles are indicated by a system of about eight grammatical cases. There are five voices. Verbs are marked for voice, aspect, tense and epistemic modality/evidentiality. In sentence linking, a special role is played by converbs.
Modern Mongolian evolved from Middle Mongol, the language spoken in the Mongol Empire of the 13th and 14th centuries. In the transition, a major shift in the vowel-harmony paradigm occurred, long vowels developed, the case system changed slightly, and the verbal system was restructured. Mongolian is related to the extinct Khitan language. It was believed that Mongolian is related to Turkic, Tungusic, Korean and Japanese languages but this view is now seen as obsolete by a majority of (but not all) comparative linguists. These languages have been grouped under the Altaic language family and contrasted with the Mainland Southeast Asia linguistic area. However, instead of a common genetic origin, Clauson, Doerfer, and Shcherbak proposed that Turkic, Mongolic and Tungusic languages form a Sprachbund, rather than common origin. Mongolian literature is well attested in written form from the 13th century but has earlier Mongolic precursors in the literature of the Khitan and other Xianbei peoples. The Bugut inscription dated to 584 CE and the Inscription of Hüis Tolgoi dated to 604-620 CE appear to be the oldest substantial Mongolic or Para-Mongolic texts discovered.

Clues to read Mongolian words into Tamil ;
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Japanese word, a Tamil word can be derived.
1.Mongolian English Dictionary – Ferdinand.D.Lessing- General editor .
2.Mongolian English Diskette Dictionary – complied by Ariel Laurencio Tacoronte .
3.English Mongolian - Mongolian English Dictionary.
English- Mongolian- Tamil
* ail- il
*2.village- ail- yeil/ town
*3.give- ali- - ali
*4.obstacle/ hindrance- ada- thadai
*5.sound- aja- oaasai
6.fear- aja- achcham
7.fearless- ajusi – achcham inmai ; inmai- without.
*8.frightful- ajumara- achcham mura
*9.frightful /fearful / terror – ajumtarai- achcham thara ;achcham- fear; thara- give.
* kill/ murder- ala – azhi; ozhi .
11.having a wife- abara itai –-paaraya udaiya ; paarya[ Indo Iranian ] - wife ; udaiya- has ; urimai udaiya; urimai / wife /rights .
12.finish – adar- mudiththar climb- abari – yaeru
* be seized- abta- pidi
*15.father- abu – appa
*16.equal/ similar- adali- oththu ulla
*17.identical/ to resemble- adalid- oththu ullathu
*18.huge/ gigantic- aburruda- peruththa
*19.huge- aburr- periya
* be superior- aburruda- periyathu aduru – aththiri; uththiri .
*22.cave- arui- arai
*23.dry up- agi- kaaya lose- alda- izhunthida
*25.loss- aldal – izhaththal
26.fatigue- alzijal- azhalai
*27.grain/cereals- amun-mani
*28.gain- asir- saer
29.castrated camel- ata- ottai/ camel
30.strength – aura- uram
*31.strong- auratai- uruthi
* ajil- seyal
* be swollen – badair- pudaiththar
34.mendicants bowl- badar- paaththiram / vessel
* flowers- badar –thira / open ; poo pooththiduthar – to flower ; poo- flower.
* spread- badara- padara spread- badaral- padaruthal be compatible with / to be fit in -barta- poruntha; poruththam .
* pardon – bartara- poruththar
40.unbearable-bartasi - poruththida mudiyathu ; mudiyaathu- cannot.
41.dirty black- bagir- karai /dirt; karuppu– black ; letters are jumbled. dirty – bagirla- karai ulla /karai- dirt; ulla- has.
43.residence- baira- eruppu ; letters are in reversed order.
*44.visible- bararatai- paarththida / observe /see / notice be proud- barda- perumaiyoadu be proud- bardama- perumaiyoadu ; letters are jumbled.
* seize- bari- pari
48.firm – batud – thidam
49.firmly /solidly- bekide- kettiyaa
*50.strong- biratai- uruthi; paeu uruthi ; paer- big; uruthi- strong. look for/ search - bedere- thaedi paaththiduthar ; thaeduthar ; letters are read more than once.
*52.too difficult—berked-perum kadinam ; periya- big; kadinama- difficult.
*53.shut-bitegyy - adaikka ; poottuka .
*54.body- boda-puthai; pothi ;poothi ; padam .
55.ripe- boluca/ bolucati- pazhuththida
56.remote- bida – etta cry- buila – azhu break into pieces- butara- podi podi yaa udaithar ; podi- piece; udaithar- breaking ; letters are read more than once.
59.smash- butara- udaithar – idiththar.
strength – byle- palam [ Skt]
strong- byletei- palaththoadu cover- bytege- mooduka cover with a lid- bytege- moodi poaduka ; moodi- lid.
*62.create/ produce - bytyge- padaikka
63.little boy- cara- siriyoan
64.having ears- cektei-kaathu udaiya ;kaathu- ear ;udaiya- has.
65.together- curar – oru saera; letters are jumbled.
66.mountain- tar- tharam
67.knock- tar – thattuthar beat- tarsi - adiththar hit- tarsi – idiththar
70.clap- tarsi – thattuthar
* drive/ cattle/ cart- taru-oaattuthar chase- taru - thuraththu ; letter ‘t’ is read more than once .
73.platform- tai- maedai-
* make an offering- tai – padai
*75.make an offering- taki – padaikka
*76.worship- taki -thuthikka ; oaathuka . take off- taici – eduththida open- tail – udaithal; pottiththal . ruin- tala- azhiththidu ; letters are in reversed order.
80.take away- tala- eduththu sellu place/ put- talbi – iduthal die- talii -saathal ; maaithal .
*83.ancient name of the Caspian Sea- talu – thoazham / sea; thollam/ big lake.
*84.beat someone very hard- talki- thalluka
85.ruin- tamtu – saetham adaiya
*86.sound of a gong- tang- tang tang nnu scatter- tara – sithara plant- tari – naduthar
89. to plough- tari – yaeru oaattu; letters are in reversed order; yaeru- plough.
*90.twitch- tata- thudiththida ; letter is read more than once.
* play / musical instrument- tata- thattu/ beat the drum; meettu/ play the string instrument; uoothidu / blow the horn grind / meat - tata – idiththidu
93.chop/ meat- tata -thundiththidu
94. immediately- tedyi- udan adaiyaa
* stammer- tegede – thikkida
* load- tegege – yaeththuka
* pick up / scattered objects- tegy -edukka
*98.collect- tegy -eettuka
*99.gather- tegy –thoku
*100.hesitation- tegydege- thayankiduka
*101.hesitate- tegydegere- thayankuthar complete- tegys- mudikka
103. kick back – teire- uthaiththar / kicking
104. uncastrated goat- teke- kaai adikkatha aadu ; kaai- testis ;aadu- goat.
105. to pull- tele- izhuththidu ; letters are in reversed order.
106. to put on/ trousers/ belt- teleile- uduththuthal /to put on
* endure- tengke- thaankku
108.enemy- ters- ethiri oppose/ opposition - ters- ethirththar run off / camels- tesi - ottai oaadida; ottai- camel; oaadida- run away . break- tesyl- udaithal swell- tesyre-thadiththar
113.story – teyke- kathai; letters are in reversed order.
114.line -tig – koadu; letters are in reversed order.
115.diadem- titim – pattam
116.felt cap- tobi –thoppi /cap
117.stitch- tobki – theikka inlay /engrave- tobi –pathi ; letters are in reversed order. appear- todura- thoandra knock- torsi – thattuthar beat- torsi – adiththar throb- torsi – thudiththar
* knock- tyg- thattuka
* beat- tyg- adikka
* throb/ heart- tyg- thudikka go about a circle-toruri- suttru
* be allotted- tokija- othukku
* become shiny- tolli – thazhalthal ; daal adiththal ; letters are read more than once.
* become shiny – tolira- thelirthal
130.track / of wild animals- tom- thadam
131.chief- tomi – themmaan
head- tolurai – thalaivar / the head - person be arrogant- tomurxa- thimiraaka
* be stopped- tor- thaduththar
*134.parrot- toti – thaththai compensate- toli- eedu ali ; eedu- compensation; ali- give.
* touch- tul – thoduthal
* reach- tul – adaithal
138. to lean on something- tul – saaithal
* fight- tul- aadal support- tul- mathalai
141.fortress- tura- mathir tora- aatharam
*143.assistance- tusa - oththaasai tarry- tyde –thaamaththidu ;atti .
*145.hinder- tydege- thadukka
* hinder/ block- tyid thadu ; thaduththidu ; thadai idu .
* make obstacles- tyidke – thadai iduka
*148.detain – tydege- thadukka
*149.delay – tydege- thaamathikka ;attuka. distribute- tegege- paathiduka
* spread- tyge- thaththuka ;ettuka .
*152.delay- tydel – ottuthal; attiththal; thadiththal; thanithal;thaazhththuthal; thaamathiththal . block- tygsi – thadukka
* set on fire- tyle- thee iduthal; thee- fire. heat-tyle- suduthal
156.Nankeen/ cloth – tykei – udukkai/ garment / cloth
* push -tylki- thalluka
158.put off- tylki- thalli vaikka ; ka= va; va= ka. clean /wipe off- tyrci
* rub- tyrci- thaeiththar
* push forward- tyri – idiththar / push
* oppose-tyridke- ethirththiduka
* follow- dara- thodaru
164.shedding of hair- darki –mudi uthirukai ; mudi- hair; uthirukai/ shedding
*165.war- daila- adal
* conquer- daila- aduthal
*167.fight- daita- adi thadi
*168.attack- daita -adiththidu beckon-dalal- thalai yaei aattuthal ;thalai- head; aattuthal- to shake; letters are read more than once .
*170.great lake- dalai –thallam / pond
* swing- dalai -aaduthal
* brandish- dalai - asaiththal ; aattuthal .
173.shoulder blade- dalu-thole pattai ; thole- shoulder. lean one side- dalii- saaithal/ to lean
*175.small hand drum- damaru-thoamaram / drum; damaram .
* rattle the skull drum- damaru uda- damaram adi; adi- to beat; damaram- drum .
*177.single/ solely- dang- thaniyaaka
178.pawn/ pledge- dang- adaku winnow- debi –pudai ; letters are in reversed order. be soaked- debte- thoaiththidu soak- debtege- thoaththiduka
182.soaking-debtel- thoaiththal
183.soaked- debteri -thoaiththiduthar swell- debte – thadithidu jump with the aid of a pole – degdyl- thadi uthavi yoadu kuthiththal ; ka= va; va= ka; thadi- stick; uthavi- help; kuthiththal- jumping.
186.younger sister- degyy- thankkai hang oneself- degyzi-thonkku
*188.defeat- deil – thoaththiduthal ;thoaththal .
* conquer- deil – aduthal ; jeyiththal. lift- degzige—thookku
*191.flower petal- delbe- ithazhl poo;poo ithazh ; poo- flower; ithazh- petal ; letters are jumbled; petal [E] = poo ithazh .
* wave- dele- thuyalthal; letters are read more than once.
193.beat- deles- adiththal
194.pulsate- deles-thudiththal
195.pluck- deles- aaithal
196.hit- deles- idiththal ; adiththal . des- aduththu be next- desle- aduththu ulla
*199.touch lightly- deyli- thoduthal
* beat the drum- doki – thattuka ; adikka ; udukkai yaei thattuka; udukkai- drum ;thattuka/ to beat .
* rap- doki – thattuka; adikka change- doli- maaththuthal
*203.vibrate- dorgi – athiruka
204.bottom- doudu – adi
*205.under/ below - doura- adiyir
* dong- thaankku
*207.near /close- dote- otti; thottu aduththu drip- dusu –sotta ; letters are in reversed order fall in drops- dusu –sottu sotta sotta ; sottu- a drop; sotta- to drop/ drip ;letters are in reversed order.
210.clearly visible- durui – theirya/ visible
211.insufficient- duta-poaathau; paththathu.
* away -dutara- oaaduthar /to run
*213.stammer- dygder-thikkuthar be hesitant- dygder- thayankkuthar
* stumble- dygder- thadukkuthar
*216.hindered- dyid- thadai ida ; thaduththida . spend the night without sleep-dyli- thuyilaaathu / not sleeping ;thuyil- sleep; thuyila- to sleep; thuyilaamai /sleepless .
218.middle- dyli- maiyaththil
* put- dyri- iduthar
* push- dyri- idiththar dip / soak- dyri- thoaiththar
*222.break- ebde- poattu udai ; udai- break .
223.ruin- ebde- idi paaadu ; letters are jumbled.
*224.textile- ede- udai ;aadai .
225.possessions- ede- udaimai
226.door- egyde- kathavu; ka= va; va= ka. egyle- mukil
*228.nodose/ warty- egyyty –katti
*229.mother- eke- akka
*230.women- ekener- kanniyar / unmarried women
*231.cardamom- ele- yaelam
*232.distressed- enel – innal /distress
* raise- ergy- uyaruka
234.dig- ery- pari
*235.cut- ery- aru
* pick-ete-edu
* put / in a bowl- ete- idu/ put freeze- raca- uraiya
* climb- rar- yaeru
*240.beautiful- ruua- ari; yaer;aari .
241.lie down – kebte- kida
242.lying down-kebtege- kidakka
243.bed /couch-kebteri - kattir / cot
*244.testy- keder – kadu kaduththar surpass- kedyid- kadanthida
246. to wear a garment over the shoulders- kedyr-kattuthar /wear
*247.bribe-kegeli- kai -k-kooli
248.womb- kegeli- payinkkuzhi have dry cough-kegsi- kakka /cough
*250. insane-keide/ kei tei- koatti become insane- keire- kirukku ; letter ‘k’ is read more than once. become hysterical / nervous- keirke- kirukku/ mad
*253.temple- keid- koattam
254.air- kei- kam
*255. filled with air- keitei – kaaththu adaiththa ; kaaththu- air ; letters are read more than once. cuckoo- kekygle- kuyil koova ; ka= va; va= ka ;letters are jumbled; kuyil- the bird; koova- to cuckoo.
257.language- kele -kilavi ; ka= va; va= ka. cut / carve/ incise - kerci -keeru
259. in excess- keti –mikuthi
260. to exceed- ketyre- mikuthar girl- keyken -kanni
*262. girl /virgin- qkin-kanni do / act- ki –noakku ;seikai .
264. make- kice – aakku
* kill/ cut- kidu – kaathu ; vettu; ka= va; va= ka.
*266.destroy- kidu –kedu
* action- kidel – kattuthal ; kattu- work. observe/ to be attentive – kini –kavani ; ka= va; va= ka.
269.small mountain chain -kira- karuni / hill/mountain; giri ; root word is kar/ stone.
270.limit/ bound - kizarar- karai shorten gradually-kirbe- kuraiya /lessen cut in small pieces- kiru – kooru kooraa keeru l keeru- cut; kooru- piece .
273.fear- kiry –karippu
China- kitad – koattam ; koattayam .
274.movement/ motion- kodelyl –iyankuthal
275.breast-kokyn – konkkai; letters are jumbled.
*276.leg/ foot- kol- kaal / leg
*277.having a foot- koltei – kaal udaiya ; udaiya- has. catch or hold by the feet- kolde- kaal laal thadu/ edu ;kaal- leg; thadu- block ;edu -to take. sweat-- kolyre- kozhu neer /sweat
280.cavity / hole- kondei-kudaa guide- kotyl- kai kaaatuthal ; kai—hand; kaattu- show.
*282.flock together- kyile –kuzhuma ; kuzhu/ folk .
283.bunch- kylilge- kulai kulaiyka / in bunches ; letters are read more than once.
*284.bunch – kylil – kulai
*285.tie- kylil- kazhi
*286.bundle- kylil- kuzhu cry- kyrd- karainthidu
*288.word- kyyr- keer ; karai .
289.a kind of banana- kandali – kathali
*290.trouble- lai – ollai
*291.precious stone- mani – mani
* rise- mandul - munnuthal
*293.rise- mandu – munnidu
name of tribe in Mongolia- Mergid- Mara kudi ;maram- courage ; kudi- clan .
*294.sun- naru – naayiru
*295.with the sun- naratai – naayiroadu be joined- neid- inainththidu
297. to join- neidke -inainthiduka
* unite-nigedke- onnakiduka
* unite-niged- onnaakidu / to become one agree- niged- inankkidu
* in harmony- niged- inakkaththoadu
*302.uniting / unification -nigedyl- onnakuthal
*303. jointly- nei – onna
* be good natured- nalai – nalla nilai; nalla- good; nilai- character.
* weave- neke- neika
306. husband- nqkyr- naayakar/naayakan ; root word is Tamil kanavar ; ka= va; va= ka. off- gedei- pakattu
*308.lobe of the ear- gedel- kaathu madal ; kaathu- ear ; madal- fold/ lobe.
* get injured- gemty – kaayam adaiya ; adaiya – to have.
*310. injure- gemtyge- kaayam adaika ;kaayam- wound; adaika- to get.
311.faulty / defective-gemtei- kuththam udaiya ; letters are jumbled
312.home- ger- koorai akam / hut; giraha [Skt]
313.married woman- gergei –kaarikai/ woman
* watch- gete -kattu
* lie in wait- gete-kaaththu kida
* cross-getyl- kadaththal
*317.saved- getyl- kaaththal / save ; kaathhtiduthal .
* be delivered- getyl- koduththal
*319.hook- geyge/gogi -kokki
* hook- gogide –kokki idu
* hook- gogidel – kokki iduthal
*322.dirt- gkir- karai
*323.dirty – gkirte- karai udaiya
324.make dirty- gkir tege - karai aakkidu ; letters are jumbled; aakkidu- make.
*325.globe-gyla- koalam
* eat- idei - thuei
327.vigour- ide – eettam ;thuppu .
328.join/ unite- indu -inaiththidu; onnayidu ; unite[E] - onnaayidu .
*329.put together- izitei- saeththu idu ; idu- put; saeththu- together .
*330.exactly /just right – jar-sariyaa change the residence- jegydke- jaakai yaei maaththuka ;saaikai- house; maaththuka- to change . increase- jekedke- koottuka ; kaduku . beat with a stick- jodurda- thadi yaar adi ;thadi- stick; adi- to beat.
334.sacrifice - qdke-kaavu kodukka ;ka= va; va= ka; kaavu- sacrifice; kodukka- give.
* ql- kool shake- sazi-asai
337.without noise- sem- oaasai inmai ; oaasai- sound; inmai- without.
338.burst open -setere- udaithar set on fire- sitara- thee iduthar. burn -sita- thee idu; thee- fire; idu- make. worship- sity –thuthi; oaathu.
342.betrothed- syitei – yaeththida/ to accept ; nichchiyiththida ; nichchaiyam seithida .
343.insect- sabazi – poochchi chop- sykede-koththu
345.loss- syid- saetham
*346.saliva- silyse- echchil
347.stitch -side-thei
348.break- setel- udaithal pierce a hole- setege –oaattai iduka/ make a hole; oaattai- hole; iduka- make. think- sedki-enniduka; sinthikka . think- sana- enna
352.peel off- saira- uriya leak heavily- sadara –sottuthar /drip ; uooththuthar / pouring.
* delay- uda- atti
* delay – udara – attuthar
*356.delay- udal- attuthal
*357.continue-udarara- thodara
* tear- uru – aru
359. buffalo- udus- maethi
360.root- ur- vaeru
361.mortar- urur – ural; letter R = letter l.
* be lonely- uid- oththaiyaa cry- uila- azhu cry- ukila- kooval ; ka= va; va= ka.
* howl- uli – uoolai forget- umarta- maranthidu
*367.sleep- umta –madiya
*368.sleeping- umtara- madithar
*369.harvest- urruca –arukka
* cry out- uukira- karaiya
*371.petty- uzir- siriya xar- karu mix- xola- kala mix- xolaca-kalakka diminish/to lessen – xorura- kuraiya bark/ dog- xorura- kurai
377.decrease/diminution - xorurdal- kuraiththal xota- koattai
379.village- xota-kudi cave in- xotui- kudaiya
* fasten- yde-adai; mudi idu .
382.a river- yde-unthi / river bid farewell-yde- vidai thaa
* touch- ydyr-thoduthar
* rub-ydyr-thaeiththar
* rub- yry- uraaiya
387. work/occupation- yile-vaelai
*388.death-ykyl- kazhiya ; kazhivu ; ka= va; va= ka.
*389.odour/ aroma - ynyr- naraa ; odour[E]= aththar.
* smell-ynyri - naara
* smell- ynyrte- naarida
392.slumber- yrgele- urankkal
393.suddenly- ysyd -sattunnu
*394.summit- yzygyr – sikaram
395.hundred- zarun- nooru; letters are in reversed order.
396.youth-zalaru -ilaiyoar hinder- zedky- thadukka
* prepare- zeke- seika
399.spear- zida- eetti pierce with a spear- zidala –eeti theiththal .
401.wings/ bird- zigyr- siraku ; letters are jumbled.
402.winged- zigyrte- siraku udaiya ; letters are jumbled; udaiya- has.
403.beat/ hit- zodu- saathu ;adi .
*404.fatigued- zyde – asathi
*405.fatigued- zydegyy- asathi adaika
406.exhaustion from hardship- zydel- asathi adaithal
*407.scold- zyky- yaesuka
* kill- alaqu- azhikka ; ozhikka.
* seize- baraqu- parikka
*410.cloth- ed- udai; aadai
* eat- ideku- thueikka
412.edge- ir- oaaram /rim
*413.make- kiku-aakku
* get dirty- kir tuku- karai adaika ;karai- dirt; adaika- to get .
*415.knife- kituya- kaththi
* forget- martequ-maranthiduka
* noqai – naaikkan ; nakkan
* oroi- uyarae come in- oruqu –varuka /to come ; ka= va ; va= ka
*420.emperor- qayan- koan
* qara- karu
*422.answer in return- qariyu- kooru
423.eclipse- raqu- maraika /disappear
424.mud- sibar- saeru make an offering- takiqu- padaikka worship- takiqu- thuthikka ; oaathuka.
427.camel- tamege- ottakam ; letters are jumbled.
*428.head- toluyai- thalai sleep- untaqu- thoonkku ; letters are jumbled ;saainthiduka /repose .
* grow- uryuqu – uyaruka ; grow[ E} = uyaruka; letters are in reversed order.
431.relatives- uruy- uravu /relation ;uravinar /relatives.
*432.ox- uker- kaaraa/ buffalo
433.truth- unen – unmai
* go- yabuqu –poaka ; yaeku .
* hurry- yayaraqu- viraika
*436.what- yayun – enna
* talk- yariqu- uraikka neg- ennikkai onnu ; ennaikkai- numerals; onnu- one.
*439.ahead / before- omno- munnae
440.arm- gar- karam [Indo -Iranian] ; maer-k-kai ; maer- upper; kai- hand/ arm ; letters are jumbled.
*441.below- door-adiyir
442.under/ below- doos- adi
443.bite- hatgah- kadikka ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
444.rope- baglaa- kazhi
445.pack- boodool –pothi iduthal/ to pack; pothi- pack; iduthal- make.
*446.carry-taraah- eduththar
*447.carry- daah-edu
448.cap- tolgoj –thalai paakai ;thali- head.
*449.word- aria- urai
*450.get- atgah- adaika
451.count- dun –ennidu; letters are in reversed order.
*452.create- buteeh-padai
*453.picture- bodoh- padam
* gal-kolli
*455.light- gal- kaezh
*456.bring- atgah- attuka
457.prompt- atgah- thoonduka
*458.river- gol – kaayal /a small river
*459.injury- gomdol –kaayam adaithal /to get injured ;kaayam- injury.
* ooroo- arai
461.lake- nuur- yaeri neer /lake water ; yaeri- lake; neer- water
462.knowledge- erdem – arivu udamai ; arivu – intelligence / knowledge ; udaimai- possession.
463.trick- zal- soozhchchi ; jaalam .
464.mud- savar- searu
* od- ud
* tal- ithazh
467.pot- unda- undaa/ big vessel for storage of water
* weigh – togoo- edai iduka; edai- weight .
469.pull- balga- izhukka
*470.put- tooloh- iduthal
471.reduce- huvirgah- kuraikka
*472.ruin /waste- balgas- paazh aaka
473.sea- dalaji – thoazham
*474.agree-taarah- yaeththiduthar
475.shower- sur suur- soriya
*476.smoke- baagih – pukai song- duu- paattu
*477.sound- duu – oaathai
*478.stomach- gedes- koodu stop- togsoh- thadukka
*480.take- atgah- edukka
*481.tiny- zaahan –sinna
* onoodor- indru
*483.tour-aalah- ulaa payaniththal
*485.trouble- saatal- saaithal / be troubled ; thollai ; adalai .
*486.two- hoer- eru
487.union- negdel- onnakuthal / to get united / to become one
*488.united- negt- onnaakida
*489.vary- huvirah- vaeru
490.wash- ugaalga-kazhuvuka; ka= va; va= ka; kai kaal kazhuvuka; kai- hand; kaal- leg .
*491.weight- teeh- edai
492.your- tany – unnuthu; letters are in reversed order.
493.get- tej-adai
494.have- tej- edu
495.disaster- auul- azhivu
496.near- barag- arukae
*497.heavy- bartaataaj- peruththa edai udaiya ;peruththa- big; edai- weight; udaiya- has.
*498.side- boor- puram
*hook-goh degee-kookki iduka/ to hook; kokki- a hook.
* dol – thazhal
*500.give- dursgah- tharuka
501.invite- zalah- azhai
502.young- zaluu – ilaiya
503.fight- zodoon- sandai; letters are jumbled. zutgeh – thaeduka ; thaedi adaika . ides- thuei ; uootti.
506.edge- irmeg-oaaramaka
507.up- luu- maelae
*508.nar- sun –naayiru
*509.master- noen- iyan ; naayan .
510.nurse- sevilagc - sevili yaaka /as a nurse; sevili- nurse.
*511.dust- toos- thoosu
512.lock- tugzee- poottuka
513.single-tusdaa- oththaiyaa
*514.cry- uulga- azhuka
*515.cow- unee- aan
*516.gate- uud- thatti/door; thadai .
517.rise- uusel- ezhu
* hun- aan
519.pour- cutgah-uooththuka
*520.join- cutgah –saeththiduka
521.flow- cutgah- oaaduka
*522.die- soo- saa
523.bone- sulah- ellu
524.rub- surgeh-uraaika
525.sister-egc- akka/ elder sister
*526.mother-eh- aayee/ mother/ grandmother
*527.mother- eez- achchi /mother / grandmother
528.grandmother-emme-ammai/ mother; amaayee- mother’s mother.